Posts in Shop Talk
Camera straps, books and more!

Stacks 2


In a somewhat spur of the moment decision on Friday night, I started pulling fabrics for a new batch of camera straps. It's been a very long time since I've made any, mostly because I was busy writing a book and then recuperating from writing said book. And so now seemed like as good of a time as any to jump back in. The girls are back in school. I am finished traveling for a couple of months. I don't have a big project on my plate at the moment. So, there you have it: camera straps coming soon.

I've chosen fabrics for four colorways and am thinking of adding a fifth one. Any requests for color combinations? I'm all ears.

In other news, a large box of books arrived here this week! I cannot tell you how surreal it is to know that QuiltEssential is out in the world. I am thrilled with how QuiltEssential came together and hope you will enjoy it, too. I'll be adding those to the shop soon as well and will be happy to sign them however you want me to - for you, for someone else, whatever you desire. There should be some scrap bags and some bundles of destashed fabrics for sale in the near future, too. I don't think there will be one huge shop restock, but rather, I'll add things as I finish them. At least, that's my plan. Regardless, I will let you know before anything I list anything. Sound good?

Stacks 3

Crazy, but so good, right?

Hello there.

January 19

I feel like the blog has been neglected a bit lately. And when I start feeling that way, I also feel that I need to check in even though I don't really have much to share. I know it's my space and that I can do what I please, but I like it here even when there isn't much going on.

So, hi.

I just got over a terrible cold. No fun.

The girls should be walking in the door from school any minute and I just pulled chocolate chip cookies out of the oven for them. Nice, right? Selfishly, I am hoping that a little treat will help make homework and chores and errands go smoothly, but it's probably just a wish. Doesn't hurt to try, though.

I've been sewing a bit. It's a little project that I have to keep under wraps for the time being. That said, I pulled out the nice fabric for it. That Liberty of London up there? It wasn't doing me any good sitting on my shelf so I cut it. It felt great. I should do that more often.

I've got a mess of scraps that need dealing with. Most of them are small-ish in size. They'd be perfect for potholders and the like. I've thought about making little kits with the scraps and batting, plus a pattern for a few different types of potholders. They would be reasonably priced. What do you think? Is there any interest in that? Let me know.

I'm scrapbooking, but I guess that deserves a post of it's own. Soon.

Ok. The girls are home. I'm going to make some smoothies to go with cookies.

Going Ons, Shop Talk Comments
Camera straps!

November 22

All these glorious patchwork strips have been turned into camera straps that are now available in my shop! I'm pretty excited about this group of colorways and even considered holding one back for myself, but I didn't. The fact is, I couldn't choose which one to keep.

If you are so inclined, please take a look. I'll keep the shop open until December 15th or the merchandise is sold out. I'm happy to ship straight to your gift recipient and enclose a gift card if you need one - just let me know in the notes to seller part when you get to paypal. I'll also ship overseas, but cannot guarantee Christmas delivery. Generally, anything shipped overseas by December 5th should get there, but unfortunately the post office won't make a promise, so neither will I.

Time for me to clean up the sewing mess and get this house spiffy for Christmas. Back here soon.

Shop Talk Comment
The shop is open

Impromptu coaster
Stacked straps

Some scenes from my workspace in the family room yesterday afternoon. Fabric scraps work well for an impromptu coaster, in case you were wondering.

I've just re-opened the House on Hill Road Shop. It's newly stocked with patchwork camera straps in six different colorways. I had a lot of fun putting these colorways together. It had been over six months since I last sat down to make camera straps and I had forgotten just how much I enjoy pairing prints and colors. And as I was getting the shop ready to go, I was amazed to see that I have now made 40 different fabric combinations into camera straps. It seems so crazy - 40?  My god- that is a lot! Please take a look, if you are so inclined. I appreciate all of your continued support. My blog readers and customers really are the best. You know it.

Shop Talk Comments
Shop news

Patchwork strips

I've been busy sewing up patchwork strips for camera straps. Consequently, there is a shop update planned for Monday, July 18th, the exact time to be determined. Most likely I won't be able to make any additional straps until after my kids are back in school. I mention that in case you might want one as a gift.

All righty. Back to it. See you soon.

Shop Talk Comments
Five new colorways of camera straps in the shop


This is one of five (!) colorways of patchwork camera straps that I just put in the shop.  I finally broke down and cut into my Hope Valley stash.  I love these prints so much - I am not sure why I waited so long to use them.

Have a good weekend, everyone.  See you back here next week.  I actually have some finished things to show.  Woot!

Five new colorways of camera straps in the shop


This is one of five (!) colorways of patchwork camera straps that I just put in the shop.  I finally broke down and cut into my Hope Valley stash.  I love these prints so much - I am not sure why I waited so long to use them.

Have a good weekend, everyone.  See you back here next week.  I actually have some finished things to show.  Woot!